Healing Trainings

Do you wish to find ways to serve in healing? Do you desire to develop your healing power? Would you like to be engaged in a healing service,– participating in it or leading it as a conductor?

We invite you to take part in an introductory or advanced healing course. We offer an individual introductory course, a conductor course, and an international two‑year‑course in Healing. Our courses serve the healer´s path as a continuous clarification and development of one's own consciousness, spiritual healing capacities, and personality.


Seven-Months Introductory Course
(written, online and in presence)

To help you to take a full part in the Healing Service and in Inayatiyya Healing, we are offering you a seven‑month introduction. You will have a monthly meeting with the Conductor of your group, or a mentor, who will guide you, support and instruct you in learning the foundation practices in breath, sound and light used in healing. You will also be given meditation themes which we have found very inspiring and give a perspective on the breath and depth of spiritual healing. The purpose of this introductory course is to give you a continuous stream of practice which may grow, as flowing streams tend to do, into a flowing river. We ask you to devote a few minutes a day ‑ perhaps five minutes. Daily practice, even short, is fruitful. Of course, you may spend longer if you wish. Please ask the leader of the Shefayat of your country if you would like to get access to the written seven‑month introduction or an online group, and to be accompanied in your individual process by a conductor / mentor.

Check out: Inayatiyya South Asia Healing Introductory Course by clicking here.


International Two‑Year Healing Course

We invite you to study and share in this 2‑year course to deepen your experience and explore the many facets of healing, four‑day sessions, three times per year with additional webinars. With translations, all teaching will be in English, French and German.

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'Spiritual healing is one of the great mercies that flow through this world. To enter into its current and learn its ways is a sacred work. In this way our souls are reminded of their purpose in coming to earth. As the inner and outer dimensions of being are reunited, life becomes whole again. Sufi Healing has this transmission in its care.'

Pir Zia Inayat Khan

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'This training in spiritual healing is responding to the transformative and creative needs of our time. Healers work at the interface between pain (individual, collective and cosmic) and the harmony, wholeness and unity which are ever‑present in Divine Love and Universal Intelligence. Our path as healers (and we are all healers) is through refining our resonance with the gifts of mind, heart, soul and spirit, and honouring nature.'

Sarida Brown

The teaching

Based on the Sufi teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan, Pir Vilayat Khan and Pir Zia Inayat Khan, with an inter‑cultural approach with other traditions. It will give the opportunity for focused development, inspiration, and personal transformation. Each student will be supported in identifying their particular healing path and evolving their practice. Teaching will be in plenary sessions and small groups, with some individual sessions with teachers.

Subjects include:

  • developing the power of breath and mind
  • sensing subtle physiology: energy, aura, chakras
  • working with colour, light and sound
  • deepening the heart sphere
  • attuning with angelic and divine planes
  • opening to the mystery of divine healing
  • prayer, rituals and distant healing
  • understanding the causes and depths of disease
  • living in harmony with nature and elemental energiesaccompanying those at end of life
  • psycho-spiritual patterns of disease and healing
  • self-protection for the healer

If you are interested in the Inayatiyya Healing 2‑year training and would like to receive an email when we have fixed the date for our next 2‑year training, please contact us here.


A voice about
Two-Year Healing Course 2019 - 2021

I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to do the 2‑year‑course in Inayatiyya Healing (2019‑2021). I met some wonderful people, fellow students, and, of course, the dedicated group of people who were our teachers. I was able to experience the healing energy of the Caduceus Centre, the nature, the peace... The memory of our sessions there gave me strength during the two pandemic years when we had to meet on zoom.

The teachers gave us not only the teachings but also so much of themselves, reflecting their own life journeys through Sufism and healing. It was a deep and meaningful experience at a difficult time.

Rashida Penelope Benians

I experienced the healing training as a very intense path, which still continues to grow in me every day. I am surprised at the impact this training had and still has in my daily life. On a personal level, I learned to deal with myself as a healer, and to see and resolve the veils that were there. On a relational level, I got to know people in a very nice and really personal, intimate, and sometimes practical way. Some will remain close friends, it seems for life. This is due to the direct contact and practical interaction we shared. We all learned from each other´s experiences.

I remain very fond of all the students and teachers, we have grown closer. Thank you all. The teachers are definitely open to students' interests, and also go deeply into them. I do have a deep sense of gratitude to them. All healing comes from and through the One. We learnt to grow as an instrument. Healing has a wider and different meaning for me, now. I have learned to heal remotely. And used it intensely with people who came, and still come my way. I am very grateful for that because it means a great deal to those significant others.

We are each other's angels, I often think, on behalf of the One, being an instrument.

Samira (Greta Maria) Steenhoudt
Oosterzele, OostVlaanderen, Belgium