Little Girl's Path to Healing

Kaliani Béatrice Merlet
Kaliani Béatrice Merlet
Very early on, I became aware that our body is our first ally, which naturally led me to my profession of psychomotrician. Passionate, I enriched my practice with Caycedian Sophrology ( and Sophro-analysis (, in order to deepen the link between body and mind. While following this course, I met Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan in 1981. Since then, through Sufi teachings and numerous individual retreats, I have integrated the dimension of the soul and deepened the link between psychology and spiritual life. In 2019, I embarked on the Sufi training of ´Spiritual Healing´. It consisted in the transmission of Sufi texts on healing in a high quality collegial teaching and the practice of healing techniques. The rich interactions within the group have confirmed for me the commitment I engaged in, back in 1986, when I received the initiation as a healing conductor by Pir Vilayat. Today, I feel at the service of the healing energy. In 2015, I met Olivier Clerc ( and participated in many "forgiveness circles" which helped me to get out of resentment and to heal the wounds of the heart. Training myself in this healing ritual of the heart, I now lead "forgiveness circles" regularly. My wish today is to help the people I work with to reconnect with their life power, their confidence and the immense resources they carry within them, in order to put these resources at the service of their individual and collective evolution.